It's Time To End Your Relationship With Your Excuses!

It’s time to commit! No more excuses!!

We are almost half way through the year. Where are you with your weight loss goals? It’s time to check in with yourself. Are you where you hoped to be? If not don’t beat yourself up just stop, take a breath and recommit to your goals (and most importantly to yourself). Committing is about making a decision to be healthy and making yourself a priority. It’s about ending the relationship with your excuses. Who is with me????

Here are some ways to support your commitment to your weight loss, to being healthy and to YOU!

• Make the decision - This is your life, your body and your health. Put yourself back at the top of your list. Decide now that you are worth it. We are all busy and have stressful lives, that is not likely to change. It’s time to end your relationship with excuses.

• Change your story - Reset your mindset. What is the story that you tell people about your weight loss. Is it, “losing weight is easy and I am going to do this” or is it, “I am too busy to plan my meals and I have a slow metabolism?” Tell the story that you want to be true. Is your story one that promotes your commitment and success or is it one that lists excuses about why you won’t reach your goals? It’s time to end your relationship with excuses.

• Follow the GOLO Plan - It sets you up for success. If you follow the plan, you will be getting the support, nutrients and fuel that your body needs to feel great and lose weight. You won’t have the hunger and cravings of other plans. It’s time to end your relationship with excuses.

• Write it down - Do you have your weight loss goals written down? If not, stop right now and do it. By writing it down you are taking responsibility for it and making it real. Write it down and hang it on your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, at your desk or in your car. Now it is no longer a wish, it’s real! It’s time to end your relationship with excuses.

So, what’s it going to take to commit to your weight loss, your health and to you? You can let the excuses run your life or you can commit to becoming #YourBestYou. What’s it going to be? You or the excuses?

Visit GOLO.com to access all the weight loss tools GOLO has to offer!

1-800-730-GOLO(4656) support@golo.com

GOLO is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. This blog provides general information and discussion about health and wellness related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. GOLO encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. All opinions and articles linked to and from this page are those of the individuals concerned and do not necessarily represent those of GOLO, LLC or its employees. No responsibility can be accepted for any action you take or refrain from taking as a result of viewing this page. GOLO will not be liable for any errors, losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

Tagged with: Coaching Corner