Katie's weight loss inspired her whole family!
Following the GOLO for Life Plan and taking Release helped Katie lose 110 pounds in just over a year.
Before starting her weight loss journey, Katie felt like she was in a pretty desperate place. Her weight was going up, and so were her blood pressure and cholesterol. She also struggled to keep up with her very active kids because of knee and foot pain.
When her then 10-year-old daughter’s yearly checkup came back with indicators of high cholesterol, Katie knew that things needed to change.
“I knew I had to shift and explore ways to create a healthier lifestyle for me and my family. And I needed to adjust my habits to be a good example for my kids.”
Quick and easy weight loss is possible!
She tried other programs with some success, but nothing she did was ever sustainable. Then her doctor suggested that, because she had a somewhat healthy diet and was relatively active, her weight issue could be caused by insulin resistance.
Katie researched weight loss plans that address insulin resistance and found GOLO.
Given how other programs had worked in the past, she was skeptical at first. But after a short period of time, she was losing weight and already noticing a difference in how she felt.
“The first few weeks were really astonishing to see how quickly and how easily the weight came off. I felt much better, I was sleeping better, and thanks to Release, my cravings were gone. And the scale showed huge results right away with 11 pounds lost!”
Katie made GOLO a family affair
Katie was happy with her progress and was especially pleased that GOLO made mealtimes easy. She was able to feed everyone the same thing, she was losing weight, and no one was complaining about the food.
“I didn’t want to have to prepare two meals every night- one for myself and one for my family, but I was able to find recipes that we all loved!”
Looking better and feeling her best
Along with seeing success on the scale, Katie felt great getting compliments from her family and friends, and having to shop for new clothes was an added bonus. But she was even more thrilled with how it impacted her overall health.
“After my most recent yearly medical checkup, all my labs were completely normal, which never happened before. My knee and foot issues have all but subsided. Being able to exercise without pain has helped physical activity become part of my life and has also eased my anxiety issues. I just feel good!”
Katie's hard work is an inspiration
The work that Katie put in to follow the GOLO for Life Plan has been worth it, not just for herself, but for her children as well.
“As a mom, it has been life-changing. I’m most proud of the fact that I’ve become such an example of health for my children. Instead of sitting on the sidelines, I’m out on the field coaching and playing with them. My son has referenced on several occasions that I’m the only mom who will do that!”
Now Katie is happy to live a healthy lifestyle with more confidence, less anxiety, and more energy.
“Really, all aspects of my life have improved due to GOLO. And I truly hope my kids can take some of the lifelong habits we’ve established as a family with them as they grow.”
GOLO is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. This blog provides general information and discussion about health and wellness related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. GOLO encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. All opinions and articles linked to and from this page are those of the individuals concerned and do not necessarily represent those of GOLO, LLC or its employees. No responsibility can be accepted for any action you take or refrain from taking as a result of viewing this page. GOLO will not be liable for any errors, losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
Tagged with: Success Stories