Woman smiling with her eyes closed while smelling food cooking in a pot on a stove in her kitchen at home

Reframe Your View of Food

Unhappy with your weight or general wellness? You’re not alone. It can be difficult to do, but it’s important to take a moment and examine your relationship with food. If you’ve cycled through failed diets or have turned to food for comfort or to curb non-hunger-related cravings, it might be time to change your mentality to enjoy better overall health. 

What Can Affect Your Relationship with Food and What to Do About It

Starvation Dieting

Most diet plans encourage you to cut calories, potentially depriving your body of essential nutrients and vitamins. Unfortunately, starvation dieting can promote blood sugar fluctuations, muscle loss, brain fog, and diet failure. 

Instead of cutting calories, concentrate on feeding your body the fuel it needs to run at its highest potential by eating healthy, nutrient-rich meals and practicing mindful eating habits. 

Compulsive Eating 

Compulsive eating is an obsessive compulsion to eat as a coping mechanism for certain triggers and emotions. Compulsive eating can often lead to depression, weight gain, and other markers of poor health.

To combat this urge to eat, try keeping a food journal to identify triggers and replace eating with breathing exercises, positive self-talk, or a quick walk.  

Impulsive Eating

Impulsive eating is a sudden, intense urge to eat (even if you aren’t hungry), often triggered by emotion and followed by gratification, then regret. Impulsive eating can lead to weight gain and other physical health issues. 

You can cope with impulsive eating by replacing these habits with healthier behaviors. Don’t eat in front of the TV, stop eating once you’re full, and avoid places or situations that trigger the urge to eat.

There’s So Much Hope Ahead

GOLO teaches you to view food as fuel not as the enemy. Sticking with the GOLO lifestyle can help you feel great about the way you eat. Eating three balanced meals a day can also help eliminate the perceived need to deprive yourself of food or the urge to binge eat. Make the commitment to change your life today and see how food can benefit you rather than weigh you down. 

Tagged with: Healthy Living