Susan's Gone the Distance
Susan’s weight loss journey has been rewarding in the long run, both on and off the scale. Let’s hear about it, directly from her.
Racking Major Stats
Original weight loss: 84 lbs. in 13 months
Weight loss maintained: 3.5 years
Additional weight loss: 12 lbs., kept off since March 7, 2024
Newfound Confidence
My biggest non-scale victory is how I feel about myself and the confidence I gained. I started this journey because I no longer wanted to be the “fat mom” for my kids. I wanted to show them that if you put your mind to something you can achieve it, no matter your age. When I was heavy, I avoided going out because of how I looked. My life has completely changed since I lost the weight.
A Family Affair
I used to dread taking my kids places because I didn’t want them to be judged based on how I looked. Looking back on family photos over the years and seeing the difference in my appearance keeps me motivated. Now I am ready to do anything my family wants to try. I no longer get tired and want to sit while going for walks with my girls.
The major impact on my family was just us becoming healthier as a whole. We all became more aware of our food choices and realized what an unhealthy lifestyle we had been living. One of my daughters even lost a significant amount of weight due to our new lifestyle.
Talking Shop
I could never find clothes that made me feel good about myself. I used to hate shopping in stores for clothes because I didn't want people to see me in the plus-size section. Now I love being able to shop with my daughters — we can even steal each other's clothes!
Mealtime Magic
Eating at restaurants is a lot easier than I anticipated. I skip the breads (even though they are so good) and order chicken or a small steak, lots of veggies, and a small potato. If the portions seem big when it’s served, I ask for a to-go container right away and put some in there to prevent overeating.
At group dinners, I choose the healthiest options and make sure to eat lots of veggies and drink water. I still take Release® with meals. It has become a part of my daily routine and I believe that it helps me stay accountable.
Staying the Course
I still have my days where I don’t make the best decisions, but I never give up because I know tomorrow is a new day.
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