Feel good this Thanksgiving with a little help from GOLO

Feel good this Thanksgiving with a little help from GOLO

Thanksgiving is upon us! It’s such a wonderful time to see family and friends and to try some delicious foods. While it can feel challenging to maintain your weight during the holidays, it can be done without depriving yourself of all the fun.

Here are some tips to consider that will help you to enjoy the holiday AND stay dedicated to your wellness journey:

Plan ahead  — Do not skip meals in order to prepare for a function. Eat your normal meals, meaning if your function is in the evening, eat breakfast and lunch. This way, you will not arrive starving.

Be realistic — Instead of worrying about losing weight, set a goal of simply maintaining your current weight.

Eat slowly and mindfully — When you eat slower, you ultimately consume less, as opposed to eating a large amount in a short amount of time. It takes the body about 20 minutes to realize that it is full.

Limit alcohol — If you’re planning on enjoying a Thanksgiving cocktail, remember that alcohol stimulates your appetite, so limiting yourself to 1 or 2 drinks will help you maintain your goals.

Stay active — Being outside can give you a well-deserved break, and a breath of fresh air plus some time to decompress. You can also help boost your energy and metabolism by walking or jogging for 20 minutes as you take in the beautiful nature around you.

Have Fun — Don’t let the accelerated pace of the holidays stress you out. Instead, enjoy the time spent preparing wonderful meals, seeing family and friends, or listening to some cheerful music. And don’t forget to laugh every day — laughter truly is great medicine!   

couple walking through forest in fall

In addition to the simple tips above, if you are looking to burn more calories to make up for a little extra eating this holiday, these can do the trick:

Spend extra time outside — Try walking, kayaking, hiking and cycling outdoors now that the weather is cooler. Discover park trails and take in some new scenery. Do you live near the beach? Get out and play volleyball, throw the frisbee around, play a game of fetch with your dog or tag with the kids. It’s a great time for beach activities because it’s much less crowded. If you’re near a lake, try kayaking or canoeing. This is an excellent whole-body workout and a really good change of pace.

Be an active TV watcher — Many of our favorite shows are on this time of year and you shouldn’t feel guilty for enjoying them! However, If you’re going to watch a few hours of TV, you can add a little activity instead of watching them sitting down. If you own a bike or treadmill, hop on while you watch. You can also walk or run in place, do standing lunges, do triceps dips off the couch, or lift weights. During commercials, do push-ups or sit-ups. GOLO also has a couple of solutions that can drastically help you stay active while watching TV. AeroTrainer by GOLO is designed to help people of all ages and exercise levels get a full-body workout at home. You can conveniently use the AeroTrainer to strengthen your core and muscles — and burn calories — while in front of the television. You can also use GOLO’s Perfect 5 dynamic, resistance band system and get about 20 minutes of commercial break exercise during a one-hour show!  Another benefit of working out while watching TV is that you keep busy and avoid the mindless snacking that tends to happen in front of the television.


Visit GOLO.com to access all the weight loss tools GOLO has to offer!

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Tagged with: Holidays