Guest Blog- Stairs to Success
There’s no shortcut to success—sometimes you just have to take the stairs. That’s what happened to Karen, an operating room caregiver, after receiving an emergency call two floors above her. When the entire team took off, she was forced to stand by the elevator. As her health declined over the years, she could no longer run up the stairs.
“My clothes, my body, my attitude, and my ability to take the stairs—these things told me all I needed to know. After years of scales and weigh-ins and all that, it was more than enough.”
She started GOLO in December 2018, not as a New Year’s resolution, but as her last viable option as a struggling caregiver. She could no longer care for herself, which made it almost impossible to give her patients the kind of care they deserved.
Three weeks after beginning GOLO, she lost a handful of weight and inches around her waist, but what made her the happiest was her new ability to take 49 flights of stairs with ease.
“I have spent my life saving lives. When I realized I could no longer get to a patient, I was devastated.”
She is an active participant in GOLO’s exclusive Member’s Facebook Group, which is more than a social media community. It has become a family for those who are willing to take the journey to a better life.
Nowadays, Karen is the happiest she’s ever been, transforming into the best version of herself. She reflects on her incredible journey not only with the new (and smaller!) clothes she now wears, but also with the number of stairs she can take—even at a moment’s notice.
“I lost 11 inches and 54 total pounds, and now I can take 300 flights of stairs. The stairs will always measure my victories! On Friday, June 7, 2019, we received a pediatric code, and guess who was the first to get to the patient? I made it! I was the first! I will be forever grateful that I found both GOLO and all those who are so willing to help.”
There is no elevator to weight loss—but you can take the stairs to success with GOLO.
GOLO® is committed to providing you with the helpful tips and resources needed for personal success on a lifelong journey of health and wellness. It’s time to become #YourBestYou.
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