Top shot of blueberry smoothie with added protein

Say No to Protein Powder

Let’s talk about protein powders. They are marketed to us constantly. Are they necessary? Unless you are a professional athlete undergoing intense training, a body builder, or someone who needs to gain weight, then the answer is no. Let’s talk about why this is…

What’s in protein powder? For most of them nothing good. Advertising tells us that we are being healthy, that we are going to get strong and lean and will lose lots of weight by consuming them but in reality, all you are getting is a laundry list of ingredients including highly processed denatured and damaged proteins, GMOs, preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, vegetable oils, thickeners, allergens like dairy and soy, and even MSG. The “protein” is actually SO highly processed, that our bodies do not recognize it as food, which makes the whole purpose pretty pointless.

Many people believe that protein powders will help them lose weight if they use it in place of a meal. The problem with this theory is that you need food to lose weight. If you do not feed your body real food, your body will go into starvation mode, especially since these protein powders do not have all the nutrients you need. When this happens, you will most likely stay the same weight or even gain some – this is the body’s way of protecting itself.

What’s worse is that some of these protein powders contain trace amounts of heavy metals. “Consumer Reports tested 15 protein powders and drinks for four heavy metals -- arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. While most of the samples tested contained low amounts of heavy metals, a few samples contained amounts that exceeded the daily amount considered safe -- when consuming multiple servings daily. For example, the average lead level in three servings of one protein powder was 13.5 micrograms, which is higher than the 10-microgram limit set by the U.S. Pharmacopeia, the organization that sets standards for dietary supplements.” This is significant because most people consume protein powder more than once a day. Long-term exposure to heavy metals may lead to physical, muscular, and neurological degenerative disorders. Heavy metal poisoning symptoms can even mimic symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. But it’s healthy, right? That’s what they want us to believe so we buy their products and line their pockets with our hard-earned cash.

What we at GOLO want you to know is that you can get all the protein you need through real foods. Eggs, red meat, white meat, fish & seafood, dairy products, nuts and seeds are all healthy sources of protein. Our ancestors never had anything even close to protein powder, and they stayed fit and healthy! (In fact, they were healthier because they didn’t have processed food products!) If you are consuming protein powder, please reconsider. Do some research and you will see why it really is not the best choice!

GOLO® is committed to providing you with the helpful tips and resources needed for personal success on a lifelong journey of health and wellness. It’s time to become #YourBestYou.


Information for this article was collected by the health and wellness experts at GOLO using the following sources:

Harvard Health

National Center for Health Research


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Tagged with: Wellness