Create a new you by changing your weight identity

As you continue your weight loss journey, figuring out what you can eat to help you steadily lose weight or what physical activity you can do to enhance your weight loss plan is important. But if you truly want to create a new you, you have to change both your body and your mind. 
Jamie Mitchell
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Why reading food labels and ingredients is important

The healthiest food choice is the kind that doesn’t need an ingredient label. But if you are going to purchase a packaged item, it’s important to know what it contains.
Jennifer Brooks
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Enhance your journey with GOLO’s Reset 7!

GOLO’s Reset 7 is an optional one-week plan that can help enhance your weight loss journey. The servings and portions on the Reset 7 are the same as the regular GOLO for Life® plan, and you will still take the Release® supplement with each meal. The only difference is that Reset 7 is based on a more "limited menu". 
Jennifer Brooks
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Say No to Protein Powder

Let’s talk about protein powders. They are marketed to us constantly. Are they necessary? Unless you are a professional athlete undergoing intense training, a body builder, or someone who needs to gain weight, then the answer is no. Let’s talk about why this is… What’s in protein powder? For most of them nothing good. Advertising tells us that we are being healthy, that we are going to get strong and lean and will lose lots of weight by consuming them but in reality, all you are getting is a laundry list of ingredients including highly processed denatured and damaged proteins, GMOs, preserv...
Jennifer Brooks
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Busting Weight Loss Myths

There is a lot of information out there about weight loss. It can be hard to recognize myth from fact. So today, we are going to bust a few weight loss myths for you! Healthy food always costs more- This is just not true. If you go to the grocery store, you will see that the junk food costs a lot more. The less fat I eat, the better- There are good fats and bad fats. The good ones, like omega-3 fatty acids, which the body cannot produce on its own, help with brain function and development and research even shows that they can help fight other ailments. If it says “organic,” then it must...
Jennifer Brooks
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What Are Natural Flavors?

If you saw ‘Natural Flavors’ listed on an ingredient label what would you think? Doesn’t sound so bad, right? How could anything labeled ‘natural’ be bad for you? According to the FDA, "The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy p...
Jennifer Brooks
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How to eat healthy while traveling

It’s summertime and some of us are planning on going away on vacation. You might be wondering, “How am I going to stick to the GOLO plan while away?” Here are some helpful tips! Plan, plan, plan- If you plan your meals and go shopping before-hand, you will not find yourself “stuck,” and therefore more likely to grab something convenient and unhealthy. Figure out what types of food that you want to bring with you and how much you will need. If you are flying to your destination, make a list of what you will need to buy once you get there. Also, dry foods are allowed to be taken on planes! H...
Jennifer Brooks
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The truth about food dyes

Food dyes are chemical substances that were developed to enhance the appearance of food by giving it an enhanced color. The first artificial food coloring was created in 1856 from coal tar, but today, food dyes are made from petroleum - the same component that is used to make gasoline and kerosene. Food manufacturers use these dyes to cover up the absence of natural color, offset color loss due to light/temperature/air exposure, and to make food essentially more visually pleasing. There are currently 6 food dyes that are approved by both the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the FDA...
Jennifer Brooks
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